Art Direction Thing

Could your project use some direction? With Art Direction Thing, recieve a menu of options to choose from!

Here's How It Works

  • step 1

    1-2 business days after making your purchase, you'll receive a questionnaire from our team. You can also upload you script and any other assets as well.

  • step 2

    We’ll get to work creating expertly-crafted style frames to fit your project.

  • step 3

    Within 30 days of your order, you’ll receive all the content with an opportunity for one round of change requests.

Art Direction Thing

$ 1,999 

  • 3 Final Quality Style Frames
  • One change request
  • Delivery in less than 30 days
Let's Chat


Art Direction Thing

Have a question for us before placing your order? No problem, tap the, "Let's chat", button to go over any specific questions you have.

$ 1,999 

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Get Unlimited Content!

- Reduced lead times
- Up to 3 requests at a time
- Unlimited change requests